
Course on Comprehensive Conciliation of Customs Inventories

  On December 5th, CONCE offered its clients and the public involved in the subject of Foreign Trade, the course on Comprehensive Reconciliation of Customs Inventories. It was attended by representatives of the Maquiladora industry, Commercial and prestigious Universities of Mexico and the United States in person and virtually. Mtro. Mario Olivas, Mtro. Armando Gómora and Ing. […]

Security certification under CTPAT / OEA standards

On October 14, 2023, CONCE Consultants in Foreign Trade and Customs, approved the audit carried out by CELC (Coalición Empresarial Pro Libre Comercio), based on the TPAT and OEA standards. It is necessary that CONCE is updated in its procedures of Physical Security, Personnel, Logistics and Cybersecurity to give certainty to its customers as an important part[…]



Drug Use Awareness Course

On August 4, 2023, the DRUG USE AWARENESS course was taught to the staff of CONCE Consultants in Foreign Trade and Customs. In order to make staff aware of the danger posed by the consumption of toxic substances within their facilities. CONCE, concerned about this aspect, gave anti-drug talks, which consist of providing information about the use[…]