TEC MILENIO Planning and Decision-Making Workshop
CONCE Consultores en comercio exterior, participated in the Planning and Decision Making Workshop organized by TEC MILENIO, where a dynamic interview of practical cases was carried out with students of the specialty of INTERNATIONAL TRADE. This practice helps students to understand the classes they are taking in their career and […]
Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of CAST CONALEP
On October 7, 2024, CONCE Foreign Trade Consultants joined the celebration of CAST CONALEP, for its 30th anniversary. CAST CONALEP has worked supporting the training of more than 100,000 Juarenses, providing the maquiladora industry with excellent quality labor. Government and education authorities and guests from companies that support this noble[…]
National Convention Index 49. La Nearshoring Industry.
CONCE Consultores en comercio exterior, participated in the Index National Convention. Held from September 18 to 21 in the City of Mérida, Yucatán. The following were present: Decision makers of Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing companies. Executives from the membership of the 18 Index associations. Potential investors and opinion leaders. Public[…]
7th. CAST CONALEP Job Fair 2024
On September 7, 2024, CAST CONALEP JUÁREZ together with the Juarez National Employment Service carried out with great success the “7th JOB FAIR 2024”, where an attendance of more than 1,000 people was registered who from very early in the morning waited for access to the modules of companies of[…]
Index Juárez Business Meetings 2024
On September 5, 2024, CONCE Foreign Trade Consultants participated in the Index Juárez Business Meetings 2024 event. This was the Seventh B2B Business Meeting of the Manufacturing and Export Industry in Cd. Juárez, where CONCE had the opportunity to publicize the specialized services in the field of Foreign Trade and[…]
IMMEX 2024 FORUM, INDEX Nuevo León
On August 27, 2024, CONCE Foreign Trade Consultants participated as a Strategic Ally in the IMMEX 2024 FORUM organized by INDEX Nuevo León, where more than 200 companies from the maquiladora and commercial industry from all over Mexico participated. The following conferences and panels were held: Modernization of the IMMEX[…]
Foreign Trade Seminar CANACINTRA Chihuahua
CONCE Consultores en comercio exterior, participated in the Foreign Trade Seminar, organized by CANACINTRA in the City of Chihuahua, Chih.. Presenting the topic “Customs clearance, pedimientos and the Customs Agent.” Where the logistics of the operation to foreign trade were presented, where it begins, where it ends, the formality and[…]
Award ceremony The Bridge Accelerator
CONCE Consultores en Comercio Exterior was honored to receive recognition in The Bridge Accelerator program, which is a binational supplier development program to facilitate the relationship between the industrial sector. After 12 weeks of preparation, CONCE participated together with 22 other companies in intensive training to raise their services to[…]
2024 Seminar on Foreign Trade, Taxation and Logistics of INDEX Queretaro
On July 11, 2024, CONCE Foreign Trade Consultants participated in the 2024 Seminar on Foreign Trade, Tax and Logistics of INDEX Querétaro, an update forum on the regulatory exercise for IMMEXs, and which served as a space for analysis between experts and industries, to resolve and make their regulatory compliance[…]
Refresher course on Foreign Trade for companies IMMEX 2021-2022
Course on Comprehensive Conciliation of Customs Inventories
Consultants In Foreign Trade
CONCE, Foreign Trade Consultants, is a group of foreign trade specialists, who gather the experience, knowledge and skills to advise multinational companies as well as small and medium-sized companies, in the administration of foreign trade operations in Mexico, the United States of America and other countries with our clients interested in conducting their commercial exchanges.
Customs Procedures advising MX
Customs Brokerage & Distribution Center EUA
Legal Services
Foreign Trade Services
In our service portfolio we provide advisory services for customs clearance of foreign trade merchandise for importing or exporting from Mexico, transits through national and international territory, virtual transfers, fiscal deposit operations, tariff classification of merchandise; management and consulting for procedures before any government agency for its corresponding import into Mexico, specialized advice, training in various customs law matters, administration of customs departments of maquiladoras, advice on issues related to foreign trade systems (Annexes 24, 30, etc.), support for legal representatives and / or customs brokers of companies, among others.

We have a multidisciplinary team knowledgeable in the areas: legal, informatics, operational and technical that allow you to manage your foreign trade procedures with a necessary security and enforceable quality in the dynamic and changing customs environment that will support you at all times to carry out your operations with eagerness, care, efficiency and effectiveness.
Tariff classification
Review of merchandise subject to be imported
Transportation Entry and Manifest of Goods
Preparation of invoices and crossing documents.
Assistance in inspection acts/ powers of verification of the customs authorities
Annual update of the Customs Department
Changes to Foreign Trade Regulations (Customs Law, Foreign Trade Law, etc.)
Places of Interest
We have specialized knowledge in the management of all existing customs regimes, in Fiscal Deposit operations, administration of IMMEX, PROSEC, SECIIT programs, VAT-IEPS certifications, program audits of Authorized Economic Operator, marketers, handling of sensitive imports and knowledge for the advice and customs clearance of goods from practically all economic sectors: electrical, electronic, automotive, medical, chemical, steel, aeronautical, textile and clothing, among others.

We are convinced that the key to providing excellent service is to focus on values that allow us to characterize ourselves as a unique competitive advantage, focused on:
- Investment in our staff through training and knowledge enrichment.
- Focus on the systematization of processes. Automation, IT tools and communications to reduce or eliminate margins of error, increase efficiency and effectiveness in communicating with our clients about their operations and legal changes.
- Security. Enable contingency plans supported, validation of information through preventive audits, certifications and monitoring established procedures.
- Continuous improvement. Trend by pro-activity in changes to reduce response times, improve customer relationship, in a virtuous circle.